Friday, December 23, 2011

Field Trip to Turin

I am currently at Malpensa airport at 5 am waiting to board my flight home to Milwaukee for Christmas!!! I finally have some downtime to catch up on my blog.  A week or so ago  my class took a trip to the beautiful city of Turin to visit the incredible exhibition Fashion in Italy, 150 years of Elegance at La Veneria Reale, the famous restored ancient palace of the Savoy.  It was the largest resteration project in Europe and was completed in 2007.  Since it was opened it has become one of Italy's five most visited cultural sites.  And it certainly was.  We took a private bus 3 hours north to the city of Turin with my incredibly knowledgeable  History of Textiles instructor.  In the morning we toured the restored castle while my teacher filled us with all of the stories and history of the complex.  And after a nice lunch break where we wandered around the town, we went through the incredibly inspiring fashion exhibition.  It was so well done and gave us a wonderful understanding of what fashion really means to Italy from the beginning of the country until the present.  All in all it was a wonderful day:)

The outside of the palace

The beautiful snow tipped mountains

The palace was walled with portraits of the royal family.

A small part of the royal family tree.

A breathtaking hall in the palace.

My friend Kourtney looking fabulous in the grand hall.

One of the many quaint Italian streets in Turin.

Behind the palace on the walk to the famous gardens, 

A snapshot of my favorite decade int he exhibition, the 1920's. I cant even fathom how long it took to hand bead all of these beautiful dresses. 

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